eless – A Better less

Table of Contents

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1. Readme



eless is a combination of Bash script and a minimal emacs view-mode config.

This script is designed to:

  • Be portable – Just one bash script to download to run
  • Be independent of a user’s emacs config
    • You can still customize the eless config if you like.
  • Not require an emacs server to be already running

It was created out of a need to have something like less (in the sense of launch quickly, do, and quit), but better in these ways:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Org-mode file rendering
  • A better navigable man page viewer
  • A better Info viewer
  • Dired, especially wdired (batch edit symbolic links, for example?)
  • Colored diffs, git diff, git log, ls, etc. (auto ANSI detection)
  • Filter log files to only show (or not show) lines matching a regexp
  • Auto-revert log files when I want (like tail -f)
  • Quickly change frame and font sizes
  • .. and more; basically everything that emacs has to offer!

I call it eless and here’s a little taste of what it looks like:


Shown above, starting from top left image and proceeding clock-wise..

  • eless eless.org
  • rg --color=ansi 'man pages' | eless (rg?)
  • man grep (I have set my PAGER env var to eless.)
  • info eless (I have aliased info to '\info \!* | eless' in my tcsh shell.)
  • eless . (Shows the current directory contents in dired.)
  • diff of eless.org with an older saved version and piping the result to eless

Meta Features

  • ☑ This script passes ShellCheck, and
  • ☑ Unofficial Bash strict mode1 is enabled.
  • ☑ Always-in-sync documentation as the eless script and documentation are generated using Org Babel from one file (even this README).
  • ☑ The documentation site is generated on-the-fly on Netlify using that same one file.
  • ☑ This bash script has tests too!

1.1. Requirements

Software Details
emacs If only running the eless script, the mininum required emacs version is 22.1 (manually tested). If developing (running make all html test), the minimum required version is 25.3.
bash This is a bash script. So even if you don’t use bash shell, you need to have the bash binary discoverable through your environment variable PATH. Tested to work in tcsh shell on RHEL 6.6.
perl Perl is used to replace grep -Po and case-insensitive sed based replacements (using /I) as those features are available only in GNU versions of grep and sed (which are not present by default on macOS systems). Tested with Perl v5.16.3 on RHEL 6.6.
texinfo Required to generate the eless Info manual (when doing make install)
If the environment variable EMACS is set, eless uses that as the emacs binary, else it defaults to using emacs as emacs binary.
eless is known to not work with info (texinfo) 6.1 (see eless issue #35). If you want to use eless to view Info manuals, ensure that it is at least version 6.5.

1.2. Installation

1.2.1. Manual installation Clone this rep

For the following instructions, let’s assume that you clone this repo to ~/downloads/eless.

git clone https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless ~/downloads/eless Run make
cd ~/downloads/eless
make install PREFIX=~/.local Installation Directory Structure

The above make install will install the eless script and documentation in a directory structure like this:

    ├── bin/
    │    └── eless
    └── share/
         └── eless/
              ├── eless.org
              └── info/
                   ├── eless.info
                   └── dir
Make sure that you add <PREFIX>/bin/ directory to your PATH environment variable and <PREFIX>/share/eless/info/ to INFOPATH. Uninstallation

Assuming that you used PREFIX=~/.local in the Run make step above, uninstall it using the same PREFIX:

cd ~/downloads/eless
make uninstall PREFIX=~/.local

1.2.2. Homebrew users

Homebrew users can install eless using:

brew install eless

1.3. Try it out

Here are some usage examples:

eless foo.txt                         # Open foo.txt in eless in terminal (-nw) mode by default.
eless foo.txt --gui                   # Open foo.txt in eless in GUI mode.
echo 'foo' | eless                    #
echo 'foo' | eless -                  # Same as above. The hyphen after eless does not matter; is anyways discarded.
grep 'bar' foo.txt | eless            #
diff foo bar | eless                  # Colored diff!
diff -u foo bar | eless               # Colored diff for unified diff format
eless .                               # Open dired in the current directory (enhanced 'ls')
ls --color=always | eless             # Auto-detect ANSI color codes and convert those to colors
PAGER=eless git diff                  # Show git diff with ANSI coded colors
eless -h | eless                      # See eless help ;-)
info emacs | eless                    # Read emacs Info manual in eless
eless foo.tar.xz                      # Read the contents of archives; emacs does the unarchiving automatically
PAGER=eless python3; help('def')      # Read (I)Python keyword help pages (example: help for 'def' keyword)
PAGER=eless python3; help('shlex')    # Read (I)Python module help pages (example: help for 'shlex' module)
PAGER=eless python3; help('TYPES')    # Read (I)Python topic help pages (example: help for 'TYPES' topic)
PAGER=eless man grep                  # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is set to eless (does not work on macOS).
PAGER=less man -P eless grep          # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to eless (works on macOS).
PAGER="eless --gui" man grep          # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is set to "eless --gui" (does not work on macOS).
PAGER=less man -P "eless --gui" grep  # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to eless (works on macOS).
Above examples are tested to work in a bash shell. Specifically, examples like PAGER=eless man grep might need to be adapted for the shell you are using, and also the OS.

1.4. Contributors

  • Thanks to Skye Shaw for helping improving eless so that it can run on macOS and emacs 22.1, and suggesting Bash trap.
  • Thanks to Iqbal Ansari for adding support to read piped data in emacs -Q -nw.
  • Thanks to Adam Porter for adding a bash collapsing function for debug statements, and testing out and providing suggestions on improving the eless build flow.

2. Eless Options

Option Description
-h Show this help and quit
–gui Run eless in GUI mode
-V Print version and quit
-D Run with debug messages

3. view-mode Common Bindings

Binding Description
SPC Scroll forward ’page size’ lines. With prefix scroll forward prefix lines.
DEL or S-SPC Scroll backward ’page size’ lines. With prefix scroll backward prefix lines.
  (If your terminal does not support this, use xterm instead or using C-h.)
RET Scroll forward one line. With prefix scroll forward prefix line(s).
y Scroll backward one line. With prefix scroll backward prefix line(s).
s Do forward incremental search.
r Do reverse incremental search.
e Quit the ’view-mode’ and use that emacs session as usual to modify
  the opened file if needed.

4. Custom Bindings

Binding Description
! or K Delete lines matching regexp
& or k Keep lines matching regexp
0 Delete this window
1 Keep only this window
A Auto-revert Tail Mode (like tail -f on current buffer)
D Dired
N Next error (next line in occur)
P Previous error (previous line in occur)
a Auto-revert Mode
g or F5 Revert buffer (probably after keep/delete lines)
n Next line
o Occur
p Previous line
q Quit emacs if at most one buffer is open, else kill buffer
t Toggle line truncation
= or + or - Adjust font size (in GUI mode)
C-down/up Inc/Dec frame height (in GUI mode)
C-right/left Inc/Dec frame width (in GUI mode)

5. Usage Examples

eless foo.txt                         # Open foo.txt in eless in terminal (-nw) mode by default.
eless foo.txt --gui                   # Open foo.txt in eless in GUI mode.
echo 'foo' | eless                    #
echo 'foo' | eless -                  # Same as above. The hyphen after eless does not matter; is anyways discarded.
grep 'bar' foo.txt | eless            #
diff foo bar | eless                  # Colored diff!
diff -u foo bar | eless               # Colored diff for unified diff format
eless .                               # Open dired in the current directory (enhanced 'ls')
ls --color=always | eless             # Auto-detect ANSI color codes and convert those to colors
PAGER=eless git diff                  # Show git diff with ANSI coded colors
eless -h | eless                      # See eless help ;-)
info emacs | eless                    # Read emacs Info manual in eless
eless foo.tar.xz                      # Read the contents of archives; emacs does the unarchiving automatically
PAGER=eless python3; help('def')      # Read (I)Python keyword help pages (example: help for 'def' keyword)
PAGER=eless python3; help('shlex')    # Read (I)Python module help pages (example: help for 'shlex' module)
PAGER=eless python3; help('TYPES')    # Read (I)Python topic help pages (example: help for 'TYPES' topic)
PAGER=eless man grep                  # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is set to eless (does not work on macOS).
PAGER=less man -P eless grep          # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to eless (works on macOS).
PAGER="eless --gui" man grep          # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is set to "eless --gui" (does not work on macOS).
PAGER=less man -P "eless --gui" grep  # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to eless (works on macOS).
Above examples are tested to work in a bash shell. Specifically, examples like PAGER=eless man grep might need to be adapted for the shell you are using, or the OS.

6. Current eless Version


This commit hash was retrieved before (obviously) the commit was made where you see this. So if you see a commit hash when checking eless version, it would always refer to the one-earlier commit.

7. Code

7.1. Unofficial Bash Strict Mode

The Unofficial bash strict mode1 is enabled to make this script more robust and reliable.

The script will error out immediately when,

  1. Any command in a pipeline in this code fails.

       set -o pipefail
  2. Any line in this script returns an error

       set -e # Error out and exit the script when any line in this script returns an error
  3. Any undefined variable is referenced.

       set -u # Error out when unbound variables are found

7.2. Initialize variables

emacs_args=("${no_window_arg}") # Run emacs with -nw by default


# Use the emacs binary if set by the environment variable EMACS, else set that
# variable to emacs.

7.3. Cleanup using trap

The below cleanup function is auto-executed via Bash trap when the script exits for any reason. Read http://redsymbol.net/articles/bash-exit-traps/ for more information.

# http://redsymbol.net/articles/bash-exit-traps/
function cleanup {
    if [[ -n "${piped_data_file}" ]] && [[ ${debug} -eq 0 ]]
        # Remove /tmp/foo.XXXXXX, /tmp/foo.XXXXXX.noblank
        rm -f "${piped_data_file}" "${piped_data_file}.noblank"
trap cleanup EXIT

7.4. Debug function

This function redefines itself the first time it is called. When debugging is enabled, it defines itself as a function which outputs to STDERR, then calls itself to do the first output. When debugging is disabled, it defines itself as a function that does nothing, so subsequent calls do not output.

function debug {
    if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]
        function debug {
            echo -e "DEBUG: $*" >&2
        debug "$@"
        function debug {

Above is a bash collapsing function. See here and here for more info. If user has passed the -D option, run the script in debug mode.

for var in "$@"
    if [[ "${var}" == '-D' ]]
        export ELESS_DEBUG=1

7.5. Print dependency versions during debug

debug "[emacs version] $(emacs --version | head -1)"
debug "[ perl version] $(perl --version | head -2 | tail -1)"
debug "[ bash version] $(/usr/bin/env bash --version | head -1)"
debug "[ info version] $(info --version | head -1)"

7.6. Input/Output Detection

We need this script to know:

  • Where it is getting the input from:
    • From the terminal?

          eless foo
    • From a pipe?

          diff a b | eless
  • Where the output is going to:
    • To the terminal?

          eless foo
    • To a pipe?

          eless | grep foo

      In this case, we do not do anything at the moment. See here.

Below code determines that using [[ -t 0 ]] and [[ -t 1]].

# https://gist.github.com/davejamesmiller/1966557
if [[ -t 0 ]] # Script is called normally - Terminal input (keyboard) - interactive
    # eless foo
    # eless foo | cat -
    debug "--> Input from terminal"
else # Script is getting input from pipe or file - non-interactive
    # echo bar | eless foo
    # echo bar | eless foo | cat -
    piped_data_file="$(mktemp -t emacs-stdin-"$USER".XXXXXXX)" # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2086
    debug "Piped data file : $piped_data_file"
    # https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/issues/21#issuecomment-366141999
    cat > "${piped_data_file}"
    debug "--> Input from pipe/file"

# https://stackoverflow.com/a/911213/1219634
if [[ -t 1 ]] # Output is going to the terminal
    # eless foo
    # echo bar | eless foo
    debug "    Output to terminal -->"
else # Output is going to a pipe, file?
    # eless foo | cat -
    # echo bar | eless foo | cat -
    debug "    Output to a pipe -->"

7.7. Parse options

We need to parse the arguments such that arguments specific to this script like -D and --gui get consumed here, and the ones not known to this script get passed to emacs.

getopt does not support ignoring undefined options. So the below basic approach of looping through all the arguments "$@" is used.

for var in "$@"
    debug "var : $var"

    if [[ "${var}" == '-D' ]]
        : # Put just a colon to represent null operation # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/133976/57923
          # Do not pass -D option to emacs.
    elif [[ "${var}" == '-V' ]]
        exit 0
    elif [[ "${var}" == '-' ]]
        : # Discard the '-'; it does nothing. (for the cases where a user might do "echo foo | eless -")
    elif [[ "${var}" == '-nw' ]]
        : # Ignore the user-passed "-nw" option; we are adding it by default.
    elif [[ "${var}" == '-h' ]]  # Do not hijack --help; use that to show emacs help
    elif [[ "${var}" == '--gui' ]]
        # Delete the ${no_window_arg} from ${emacs_args[@]} array if user passed "--gui" option
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/16861932/1219634
        # Collect all other arguments passed to eless and forward them to emacs.
        # Wrap the user-passed args in double quotes to take care of escaped spaces, etc.
        emacs_args=("${emacs_args[@]}" "\"${var}\"")

If user asked for this script’s help, just print it and exit with success code.

if [[ ${help} -eq 1 ]]
    echo "${h}"
    exit 0

7.9. Emacs with -Q in view-mode

The emacs_Q_view_mode function is defined to launch emacs with a customized view-mode.

Refer to further sections below to see the elisp code referenced by the <<emacs-config>> noweb placeholder in section 7.12.

function emacs_Q_view_mode {

    # Here $@ is the list of arguments passed specifically to emacs_Q_view_mode,
    # not to eless.
    debug "Args passed to emacs_Q_view_mode : $*"

    ${EMACS} -Q "$@" \
             --eval '(progn
                     )' 2>/dev/null </dev/tty

7.10. Input/Output Scenarios

We saw in section 7.6 how we detected if input was coming from the pipe or stdin and if output was going to a pipe or stdout. Now we make use of that information to call the emacs_Q_view_mode function with the right arguments.

# Below if condition is reached if you try to do this:
#   eless foo.txt | grep bar .. Not allowed!
if [[ ${output_to_pipe_flag} -eq 1 ]]
    # Below if condition is reached when you do this:
    #   grep 'foo' bar.txt | eless, or
    #   grep 'foo' bar.txt | eless -
    # i.e. Input to eless is coming through a pipe (from grep, in above example)
    if [[ ${input_from_pipe_flag} -eq 1 ]]
        # Below else condition is reached when you do this:
        #   eless foo.txt

7.10.1. Output is going to a pipe

This scenario is not supported. The eless script will exit with an error code if the output is being piped to something else.

echo "This script is not supposed to send output to a pipe"
exit 1

7.10.2. Output is going to stdout, Input is coming from a pipe

mktemp requires the -t argument to specify the temporary file name template on Mac OS (See eless issue #18.)

debug "Pipe Contents (up to 10 lines) : \`$(head -n 10 "${piped_data_file}")'"
# Remove blank lines from $piped_data_file. Some or all of BSD man
# pages would have a blank line at the top.
# -- https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/issues/27#issuecomment-365992910.
# GNU ls man page begins with:
#   l1: LS(1)                            User Commands                           LS(1)
# BSD ls man page begins with:
#   l1:
#   l2: LS(1)                     BSD General Commands Manual                    LS(1)
perl -ne 'print unless /^\s*$/' "${piped_data_file}" > "${piped_data_file}.noblank"

# Now parse only the first line of that ${piped_data_file}.noblank file.
first_line_piped_data=$(head -n 1 "${piped_data_file}.noblank")
debug "first_line_piped_data = \`${first_line_piped_data}'"

# It is not mandatory for the below perl regex to always match. So OR it with
# "true" so that "set -e" does not kill the script at this point.

# The first line of man pages is assumed to be
#   FOO(1)  optional something something FOO(1)
# For some odd reason, the "BASH_BUILTINS" man page is named just
# "builtins"; below deals with that corner case.
# .. faced this problem when trying to do "man read | eless".
#   If the man page name is completely in upper-case, convert it
# to lower-case.
man_page=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \
               | perl -ne '/^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+\([a-z0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1$)/ and print $1' \
               | perl -pe 's/bash_builtins/builtins/i' \
               | perl -pe 's/xsel\(1x\)/xsel/i' \
               | perl -pe 's/^[A-Z0-9-_()]+$/\L$_/' \
               || true)
# Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires
# GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS):
#   grep -Po '^([A-Za-z-_]+\([0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1$)'
debug "man_page 1 = \`${man_page}'"

# If it's not a regular man page, check if it's a Perl man page.
if [[ -z ${man_page} ]]
    # The first line of Perl man pages is assumed to be
    #   Foo::Bar(1zoo) something something Foo::Bar(1zoo)
    # Example: PAGER=eless man Net::FTP  or  PAGER=less man Net::FTP | eless
    #   If the man page name is completely in upper-case, convert it
    # to lower-case.
    # Example: PAGER=eless man error::pass1  or  PAGER=less man error::pass1 | eless
    man_page=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \
                   | perl -ne '/^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+::[A-Za-z0-9-_]+)(\([a-z0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1\2$)/ and print $1' \
                   | perl -pe 's/^[A-Z0-9-_]+::[A-Z0-9-_]+$/\L$_/' \
                   || true)
    debug "man_page 2 = \`${man_page}'"

# The first line of Python package MODULE help is assumed to be
#   "Help on package MODULE:" OR "Help on module MODULE:" OR "Help on SOMETHING in module MODULE:"
# Examples: PAGER=eless python3; help('shlex') ->  "Help on module shlex:"
#           PAGER=eless python3; help('iter')  ->  "Help on built-in function iter in module builtins:"
#           PAGER=eless python3; help('exit')  ->  "Help on Quitter in module _sitebuiltins object:"
python_module_help=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \
                         | perl -ne '/^Help on (?:.+ in )*(?:module|package) (.*)(?=:$)/ and print $1' \
                         || true)
# Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires
# GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS):
#   grep -Po '^Help on (.+ in )*(module|package) \K(.*)(?=:$)'
debug "python_module_help = \`${python_module_help}'"

# The first line of Info manuals will usually be the below:
#   - Begin with "File:", and
#   - Contain "Node:"
# Example: "File: emacs,  Node: Top,  Next: Distrib,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)" -> "emacs"
info_man=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \
               | perl -ne '/^File: ([^.,]+)(\.info.*)*.*,  Node.*/ and print $1' \
               || true)
debug "info_man 1 = \`${info_man}'"

# If an Info manual is not detected by the above regex, try the below regex.
if [[ -z ${info_man} ]]
    # The first line of Info manuals could be something like:
    #   /path/to/some.info or /path/to/some.info.gz
    # Example: "/home/kmodi/usr_local/apps/6/emacs/26/share/info/emacs.info.gz" -> "emacs"
    info_man=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \
                   | perl -ne '/^(?:.*\/)*([^\/]+)(?=\.info(?:\-[0-9]+)*(?:\.gz)*$)/ and print $1' \
                   || true)
    # Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires
    # GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS):
    #   grep -Po '^(.*/)*\K[^/]+(?=\.info(\-[0-9]+)*(\.gz)*$)'
    debug "info_man 2 = \`${info_man}'"

if [[ -n ${man_page} ]]
elif [[ -n ${python_module_help} ]]
elif [[ -n ${info_man} ]]
else # No man page or info manual detected
fi Input is piped from man command
# After setting PAGER variable globally to eless (example, using export on bash,
# setenv on (t)csh, try something like `man grep'.  That will launch the man
# page in eless.
debug "Man Page = ${man_page}"

cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \
             ${emacs_args[*]} \
             --eval '(progn
                       (man \"${man_page}\")
                       ;; Below workaround is only for emacs 24.5.x and older releases
                       ;; where the man page takes some time to load.
                       ;; 1-second delay before killing the *scratch* window
                       ;; seems to be sufficient
                       (when (version<= emacs-version \"24.5.99\")
                          (sit-for 1))

The sit-for hack is needed for emacs versions older than 25.x. It was reported in this issue. Input is piped from a modules help in IPython
debug "Python Module = ${python_module_help}"

cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \
             ${emacs_args[*]} \
             --eval '(progn
                       (man \"${piped_data_file}\")
                       ;; Below workaround is only for emacs 24.5.x and older releases
                       ;; where the man page takes some time to load.
                       ;; 1-second delay before killing the *scratch* window
                       ;; seems to be sufficient
                       (when (version<= emacs-version \"24.5.99\")
                          (sit-for 1))
                       (rename-buffer \"${python_module_help}\"))'"

The sit-for hack is needed for emacs versions older than 25.x. It was reported in this issue. Input is piped from info command
# Try something like `info emacs | eless'.
# That will launch the Info manual in eless.
debug "Info Manual = ${info_man}"

cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \
             ${emacs_args[*]} \
             --eval '(progn
                       (info (downcase \"${info_man}\")))'" Input is piped from something else

This scenario could be anything, like:

diff a b | eless
grep 'foo' bar | eless
ls --color=always | eless

In that case, just open the ${piped_data_file} saved from the STDIN stream using emacs_Q_view_mode.

debug "No man page or info manual detected"

cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode ${piped_data_file} \
             ${emacs_args[*]} \
             --eval '(progn
                       (set-visited-file-name nil)
                       (rename-buffer \"*Stdin*\" :unique))'"

7.10.3. Output is going to stdout, Input is an argument to the script

cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode ${emacs_args[*]}"

7.11. Eval

Finally we eval the constructed ${cmd} variable.

debug "Eless Command : $cmd"

eval "$cmd"

7.12. Emacs Configuration

Here is a “Do The Right Thing” config for view-mode that gets loaded in the emacs instance launched in the emacs_Q_view_mode function.

7.12.1. Enable debug on error (in debug mode [=-D=])

(when (getenv "ELESS_DEBUG")
  (setq debug-on-error t))

7.12.2. General setup

;; Keep the default-directory to be the same from where
;; this script was launched from; useful during C-x C-f
(setq default-directory "'"$(pwd)"'/")

;; No clutter
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(if (fboundp (function tool-bar-mode)) (tool-bar-mode -1))

;; Show line and column numbers in the mode-line
(line-number-mode 1)
(column-number-mode 1)

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
(setq x-select-enable-primary t)
(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
(setq require-final-newline t)
(setq visible-bell t)
(setq load-prefer-newer t)
(setq ediff-window-setup-function (function ediff-setup-windows-plain))

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)       ;Syntax-highlight source blocks in org

(fset (quote yes-or-no-p) (quote y-or-n-p)) ;Use y or n instead of yes or no

7.12.3. Ido setup

(setq ido-save-directory-list-file nil) ;Do not save ido history
(ido-mode 1)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)       ;Enable fuzzy search
(setq ido-everywhere t)
(setq ido-create-new-buffer (quote always)) ;Create a new buffer if no buffer matches substringv
(setq ido-use-filename-at-point (quote guess)) ;Find file at point using ido
(add-to-list (quote ido-ignore-buffers) "*Messages*")

7.12.4. Isearch setup

(setq isearch-allow-scroll t) ;Allow scrolling using isearch
;; DEL during isearch should edit the search string, not jump back to the previous result.
(define-key isearch-mode-map [remap isearch-delete-char] (function isearch-del-char))

7.12.5. Enable line truncation

;; Truncate long lines by default
(setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil) ;Respect the value of truncate-lines
(toggle-truncate-lines +1)

7.12.6. Highlight the current line

(global-hl-line-mode 1)

7.12.7. Custom functions Keep/delete matching lines
(defun eless/keep-lines ()
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (call-interactively (function keep-lines)))))

(defun eless/delete-matching-lines ()
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (call-interactively (function delete-matching-lines))))) Frame and font re-sizing
(defun eless/frame-width-half (double)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((frame-resize-pixelwise t) ;Do not round frame sizes to character h/w
        (factor (if double 2 0.5)))
    (set-frame-size nil (round (* factor (frame-text-width))) (frame-text-height) :pixelwise)))
(defun eless/frame-width-double ()
  (eless/frame-width-half :double))

(defun eless/frame-height-half (double)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((frame-resize-pixelwise t) ;Do not round frame sizes to character h/w
        (factor (if double 2 0.5)))
    (set-frame-size nil  (frame-text-width) (round (* factor (frame-text-height))) :pixelwise)))
(defun eless/frame-height-double ()
  (eless/frame-height-half :double)) Revert buffer in view-mode
(defun eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode ()
  (let ((view-mode-state view-mode)) ;save the current state of view-mode
    (when view-mode-state
      (view-mode 1)))) Detect if diff-mode should be enabled
(defun eless/enable-diff-mode-maybe ()
  (let* ((max-line 10)                ;Search first MAX-LINE lines of the buffer
         (bound (save-excursion
                  (goto-char (point-min))
                  (forward-line max-line)
      (let ((diff-mode-enable))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (when (and ;First header line of unified/context diff begins with "--- "/"*** "
               (thing-at-point (quote line)) ;Prevent error in string-match if the buffer is empty
               (string-match "^\\(---\\|\\*\\*\\*\\) " (thing-at-point (quote line)))
               ;; Second header line of unified/context diff begins with "+++ "/"--- "
                 (forward-line 1)
                 (string-match "^\\(\\+\\+\\+\\|---\\) " (thing-at-point (quote line)))))
          (setq diff-mode-enable t))
        ;; Check if the diff format is neither context nor unified
        (unless diff-mode-enable
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (when (re-search-forward "^\\(?:[0-9]+,\\)?[0-9]+\\([adc]\\)\\(?:[0-9]+,\\)?[0-9]+$" bound :noerror)
            (forward-line 1)
            (let ((diff-type (match-string-no-properties 1)))
               ;; Line(s) added
               ((string= diff-type "a")
                (when (re-search-forward "^> " nil :noerror)
                  (setq diff-mode-enable t)))
               ;; Line(s) deleted or changed
                (when (re-search-forward "^< " nil :noerror)
                  (setq diff-mode-enable t)))))))
        (when diff-mode-enable
          (message "Auto-enabling diff-mode")
          (rename-buffer "*Diff*" :unique)
          (view-mode 1))))))            ;Re-enable view-mode
  1. Enable whitespace-mode in diff-mode

    Enable whitespace-mode to easily detect presence of tabs and trailing spaces in diffs.

    (setq whitespace-style
          (quote (face                      ;Enable all visualization via faces
                  trailing                  ;Show white space at end of lines
                  tabs                      ;Show tabs using faces
                  spaces space-mark         ;space-mark shows spaces as dots
                  space-before-tab space-after-tab ;mix of tabs and spaces
                  indentation))) ;Highlight spaces/tabs at BOL depending on indent-tabs-mode
    (add-hook (quote diff-mode-hook) (function whitespace-mode)) Detect if ANSI codes need to be converted to colors
(defun eless/enable-ansi-color-maybe ()
    (let* ((max-line 100) ;Search first MAX-LINE lines of the buffer
           (bound (progn
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (forward-line max-line)
           (ESC "\u001b")
           ;; Example ANSI codes: ^[[0;36m, or ^[[0m where ^[ is the ESC char
           (ansi-regexp (concat ESC "\\[" "[0-9]+\\(;[0-9]+\\)*m")))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (when (re-search-forward ansi-regexp bound :noerror)
        (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer
          (message "Auto-converting ANSI codes to colors")
          (require (quote ansi-color))
          (ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max))))))) “Do The Right Thing” Kill

Before killing emacs, loop through all the buffers and mark all the view-mode buffers as being unmodified (regardless of if they actually were). The view-mode buffers would have been auto-marked as modified if filtering commands like eless/delete-matching-lines, eless/keep-lines, etc. were used.

By overriding the state of these buffers as being unmodified, we are saved from emacs prompting to save those modified view-mode buffers at the time of quitting.

(defun eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer (&optional kill-emacs)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((num-non-special-buffers 0))
    (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
      (unless (string-match "\\`[ *]" (buffer-name buf)) ;Do not count buffers with names starting with space or *
        (setq num-non-special-buffers (+ 1 num-non-special-buffers)))
      (with-current-buffer buf
        ;; Mark all view-mode buffers as "not modified" to prevent save prompt on
        ;; quitting.
        (when view-mode
          (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
          (when (local-variable-p (quote kill-buffer-hook))
            (setq kill-buffer-hook nil)))))
    (if (or kill-emacs
            (<= num-non-special-buffers 1))
      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))) ;Else only kill the current buffer

(defun eless/save-buffers-maybe-and-kill-emacs ()
  (eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer :kill-emacs)) dired-mode setup
(defun eless/dired-mode-customization ()
  ;; dired-find-file is bound to "f" and "RET" by default
  ;; So changing the "RET" binding to dired-view-file so that the file opens
  ;; in view-mode in the spirit of eless.
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "RET") (function dired-view-file))
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "E") (function wdired-change-to-wdired-mode))
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window))
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer)))
(add-hook (quote dired-mode-hook) (function eless/dired-mode-customization)) Man-mode setup
(defun eless/Man-mode-customization ()
  (define-key Man-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window))
  (define-key Man-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer)))
(add-hook (quote Man-mode-hook) (function eless/Man-mode-customization)) Info-mode setup
(defun eless/Info-mode-customization ()
  (define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window))
  (define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer)))
(add-hook (quote Info-mode-hook) (function eless/Info-mode-customization)) tar-mode setup

When eless is passed an archive file as an argument, the tar-mode is enabled automatically that will do the job of showing the archive contents, extracting and viewing them.

eless foo.tar.xz
eless bar.tar.gz
(defun eless/tar-mode-customization ()
  (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "RET") (function tar-view))
  (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window))
  (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer)))
(add-hook (quote tar-mode-hook) (function eless/tar-mode-customization))

7.12.8. Auto-setting of major modes

 ((derived-mode-p (quote dired-mode)) (eless/dired-mode-customization))
 ((derived-mode-p (quote Man-mode)) (eless/Man-mode-customization))
 ((derived-mode-p (quote Info-mode)) (eless/Info-mode-customization))
 ((derived-mode-p (quote tar-mode)) (eless/tar-mode-customization))
 (t     ;Enable view-mode if none of the above major-modes are active
  ;; Auto-enable diff-mode. For example, when doing "diff foo bar | eless"
  ;; Auto-convert ANSI codes to colors. For example, when doing "ls --color=always | eless"
  (view-mode 1)))

7.12.9. Key bindings

(eval-after-load (quote view)
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "!") (function eless/delete-matching-lines))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "&") (function eless/keep-lines))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "0") (function delete-window))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "1") (function delete-other-windows))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "A") (function auto-revert-tail-mode))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "D") (function dired))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "N") (function next-error)) ;Next line in *occur*
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "P") (function previous-error)) ;Previous line in *occur*
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "K") (function eless/delete-matching-lines))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "a") (function auto-revert-mode))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "g") (function eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "k") (function eless/keep-lines))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "n") (function next-line))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "o") (function occur))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "p") (function previous-line))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer))
     (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "t") (function toggle-truncate-lines)))))

;; Global custom bindings
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") (function hippie-expand))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") (function ibuffer))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-c") (function eless/save-buffers-maybe-and-kill-emacs))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") (function view-file))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") (function query-replace-regexp))
(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") (function eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode))

(when (display-graphic-p)
  (eval-after-load (quote view)
       (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "+") (function text-scale-adjust))
       (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "-") (function text-scale-adjust))
       (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "=") (function text-scale-adjust)))))
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-<right>") (function eless/frame-width-double))
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-<left>") (function eless/frame-width-half))
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-<down>") (function eless/frame-height-double))
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-<up>") (function eless/frame-height-half)))

7.12.10. User config override

If an elesscfg file is present in the user-emacs-directory (default value is ~/.emacs.d/), load that. As the user can be using that file to set their favorite theme (or not set one), the eless default theme is not loaded if that file is present.

User can further choose to re-define any of the above functions or key-bindings in this file.

(let* ((cfg-file "elesscfg")
       (cfg-path (if (fboundp (quote locate-user-emacs-file))
                     (locate-user-emacs-file cfg-file)
                   ;; For emacs older than 23.1.
                   (let ((home (file-name-as-directory (getenv "HOME"))))
                     (or (expand-file-name cfg-file (concat home ".emacs.d"))
                         (expand-file-name cfg-file home))))))
  (unless (load cfg-path :noerror)
    (load-theme (quote tango-dark) :no-confirm)
    ;; The tango-dark theme is good except for the bright yellow hl-line face
     (quote user)
     (quote (hl-line ((t (:background "color-238")))))
     (quote (Man-overstrike ((t (:foreground "#f3dc55" :weight normal)))))))) ;gold yellow Using user’s custom-file

If a user would like to load their custom-file when starting eless, assuming that the custom-file exists separately at ~/.emacs.d/custom-file.el, they can create a ~/.emacs.d/elesscfg with the following content:

;; This is -*- emacs-lisp -*- !
;; Assuming that you have your custom file named ~/.emacs.d/custom-file.el ..
(setq custom-file (expand-file-name "custom-file.el" user-emacs-directory))
(load custom-file :noerror :nomessage)
As ~/.emacs.d/elesscfg would be present, eless will always load it and the default theme and face customization will not apply. Customizing the look of eless

If a user would like to define their own faces (essentially override the default tango-dark theme and face customizations), they can create a ~/.emacs.d/elesscfg with the following content — let’s say that they want the hl-line face to have a light grey background:

 '(hl-line ((t (:background "LightGrey")))))

8. Contributing

This guide is for you if you’d like to do any of the below:

  • Open an issue (plus provide debug information).
  • Simply clone this repo and build eless locally.
  • Do above + Provide a PR.

8.1. How to help debug

  • If you find eless not working as expected, file an issue.
  • Include the following debug information:
    1. emacs --version
    2. eless debug info:
      • Append the -D option to your eless use case. Examples:
        • eless foo -D
        • info org | eless -D
      • If you are providing debug info for something like man foo, do
        • PAGER="eless -D" man foo or man foo | eless -D.

8.2. Development

8.2.1. Preparation

git clone https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless

Also see the Requirements section if you’d like to build the eless script + documentation locally.

8.2.2. Building eless

make eless Sanity check of the tangled eless
  1. Run the tangled eless through shellcheck to ensure that there are no errors.
  2. Ensure that make test passes. Add/update tests as needed.

8.2.3. Building documentation

Below will generate/update the Info manual and README.org and CONTRIBUTING.org for Github.

make doc Understand the changes
  • The randomly generated hyperlinks and section numbers in the Info document and HTML will be different.
  • Other than that, you shouldn’t see any unexpected changes.

8.2.4. Build everything

If you’d like to build the script as well the documentation together, you can do:

make all

8.2.5. Submitting PR

  • You can submit a PR once you have reviewed all the changes in the tangled eless script and documentation.
  • make test has to pass before a PR is merged.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. Example eless config in tcsh

setenv PAGER eless # Show man pages using eless (on non-macOS systems)

alias info  '\info \!* | eless'

alias diff  '\diff \!* | eless'
alias diffg '\diff \!* | eless --gui'

# (MAN)pages in eless (G)UI mode. Note that will not work on macOS
# systems.
alias mang '(setenv PAGER "eless --gui"; man \!*)'

# For macOS systems, set PAGER to less and instead use the -P switch to set the
# man pager to eless.
alias eman '(setenv PAGER less; man -P eless \!*)'
alias emang '(setenv PAGER less; man -P "eless --gui" \!*)'

alias ev eless

9.2. Example eless config in bash

export PAGER=eless

# Note for macOS users using man:
#   "PAGER=eless man ls", for example, would not work because
# of the way how man handles the stream of man pages on those
# systems. But with the below alias, "eman ls" will work instead.
# (Ref: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/issues/27)
alias eman='PAGER=less man -P eless'

9.3. Example eless config in zsh

export PAGER=eless

# Note for macOS users using man:
#   "PAGER=eless man ls", for example, would not work because
# of the way how man handles the stream of man pages on those
# systems. But with the below alias, "eman ls" will work instead.
# (Ref: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/issues/27)
alias eman='PAGER=less man -P eless'




Exported using
Emacs 26.3 (Org mode 9.5.2)
by Kaushal Modi.